Giving Tuesday (#givingtuesday) is a national movement for individuals, like yourselves to give back to your community. This year, Giving Tuesday is Tuesday, November 27, 2018 and unlike other years, continues to help non-profit organizations strive to provide the best service for the empowerment and well-being of our Saskatoon and Area community. For more information about Giving Tuesday, please watch the “Be Part of Something BIG” video on the Giving Tuesday website,
This year we are asking for your support to donate to the Saskatoon Community Service Village to honour #GivingTuesday. As you know, the Saskatoon Community Service Village houses six non-profit, community based agencies that collaborate and work together to address increasing social and economic needs and the resulting demand for services. Co-location and collaboration enables the Village agencies to build a sense of community while offering accessible services in a welcoming environment.
With your financial donation, the Village will be able to keep overhead costs to a minimum and offer affordable space to our member agencies. In turn, allowing us to facilitate collaborative initiatives and continue to accomplish our three primary strategic directions through our five-year strategic plan. Please visit the Giving Tuesday website, click donate and search Saskatoon Community Service Village under charity name. Thank you for your donation. We cannot do what we do without you!